25 Jan Entrepreneurial Urgency
Entrepreneurial urgency - an overwhelming need to hurry, even when you don't have to, and what you can do about it...
Entrepreneurial urgency - an overwhelming need to hurry, even when you don't have to, and what you can do about it...
Productivity expert Jo Dodds talks about how to be more productive - whether that's with your job applications or starting a business...
Sue Donnelly explains how fashion feng shui links clothes and confidence, helping you become more visible and at ease...
An interview with photographer lucy Williams on how to set up and take a professional profile photo...
Work and Money: Ten Confidence Hacks Most of us have issues around asking for what we are worth, knowing what salary we should be asking for, or raising our prices. They can happen at any age, and not just to young people starting out! Whilst some...
Musing on the darker side of friendships I thought I would continue on the theme of friendship, but looking at the darker side of friendships. Friendships are a huge part of our life that often doesn't get the full acknowledgement they deserve. We tend to focus on...