08 Jun Restore Yourself In Folkestone Retreat
A two-day business retreat to restore yourself in Folkestone. Come back revived and recharged for your business...
A two-day business retreat to restore yourself in Folkestone. Come back revived and recharged for your business...
A look at how personality testing, coaching and confidence are related and how both Scarlet Thinking and The Bitch Network address these in different ways...
A look at some of the benefits and perks gained my members of my Hot House mastermind groups, both online and in face to face in London ...
Building and playing an active part in community with others is a natural part of Host leadership, a new metaphor for a modern style of leadership. Here's how you can be more of a Host Leader...
The next step in Change Management for small business is to form a powerful guiding coalition for change that can both lead and drive it...
I've always had difficulties around seeing a task through to completion. New ideas are always much more alluring, but, of course, there are times when I need to adopt the Completer Finisher profile and get things done...