A Retreat for Introverts

seagulls in Folkestone

A Retreat for Introverts

A Retreat For Introverts


I recently returned from a 3 day retreat for psychologists in South West France. Set in the beautiful French countryside, it was a fantastic opportunity to ponder my business and its future path, relax and connect with other psychologists.  I haven’t even mentioned the great food and wine!

However, as an introvert (and becoming more so, year on year), I often find the intense connecting side of a retreat, especially the larger ones, can feel over-stimulating for me, especially after a few days constantly around other people.

I wondered to myself what would a one to one retreat be like? Would it be too intense? Too much pressure? I decided to find out, and offer my own two day one to one retreat in beautiful Folkestone, on the south coast of the UK.

How does a retreat for introverts differ? 


seagulls in FolkestoneOne of the reasons we create a strict structure for a retreat is to have a process that moves people on, something that’s vital when you’re working with a group. However, one to one, there’s a lot more freedom to really design what you need from your retreat.

My end product is the Restore Yourself in Folkestone Retreat. It combines the soothing calmness (or sometimes sheer power) of the picturesque UK coastline, with good food in a town that’s well-known for its exciting restaurants and food choices, and has been called by the Sunday times as “one of the best places to live in the South East.” Add in myself as your guide, tapping into therapeutic coaching, business psychology and my past experience as a business owner for over 35 years. Clients have found the retreat incredibly useful to switch off, calm down their nervous system, and take a more objective view of what’s going on for them.

Issues we’ve worked with on retreat include:

  • Working with life crises like bereavement, chronic illness or relationship break-up, that have become so overwhelming that you can’t concentrate on your business
  • Thinking through decisions that feel overwhelming, such as working out a business direction or deciding whether or not to sack a difficult client
  • High anxiety that is preventing you from thinking straight
  • Dealing with difficult people
  • Just needing time and tools to help you switch off

How we create your retreat for introverts

champagne on retreat in Folkestone

We begin with an initial call to discuss what’s going on for you, with gentle questioning to uncover the type of retreat experience that would best serve you. Would you prefer something quite structured, with a process that takes you through a journey? Or perhaps you would benefit from more space for reflection? We then combine the elements of walks by the sea, delicious coffees and cake, lunches and dinner that feeds the soul, different sessions to analyse, inspire, day-dream and plan. Think of the sun sparkling off the sea, the sound of gulls, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee as your companions for this journey, and leave feeling revived and refreshed. We may even have a cheeky gless of Champers to celebrate.

Let’s create your bespoke retreat

Let’s work together to create an experience that is exactly what you need. Contact me and we’ll go from there. A two day retreat is £700, and can be held during the week, or at weekends.


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