02 Jan Is Therapy or Coaching Better for Business?
Is Therapy or Coaching Better for Business?
Are you in a place where you know you need support, but are unsure whether therapy or coaching is better for business? Your business specifically. It’s a question that often comes up in my introductory chats. Qualified and experienced in both, I feel that I am in a good position to answer this.
When you need therapy for your business
To be clear here, the therapy is for you. The problem is that whatever you are going through is affecting your business. Examples would include a crisis of confidence, a bereavement, reeling from the diagnosis of a chronic health condition. Sometimes these events are temporary but you know you would benefit from help to support you through them. On occasions, however, you may be coping with something that has a longer lasting impact, such as trauma. You know that simply following “tips and tricks” is not going to be enough. You need help to change patterns and behaviours, or shift something that just won’t go away.
Perhaps you are feeling the signs that something is wrong. Strong feelings of anxiety whenever you think about posting on social media. Or you’ve taken on staff and they are walking over you. Perhaps you can’t even face getting up in the morning, even for a business you used to love. Or you are feeling resentful that you are carrying the burden of running a business, while your family seems to take this for granted. This is where therapy can help you and your business.
The type of therapy I work with, Human Givens, isn’t simply sitting in a room and talking. With a background of running my own PR company, a Masters in Business Psychology, and over 15 years of working with business owners, I look at what’s going on for you AND how it’s impacting your business. There will be exercises, tools and even homework. However, it’s all designed (and agreed on, between us) to help make shifts.
When you need coaching for your business
For some people, the therapy comes first before they are in a position to move into coaching. This can work well. However, perhaps your issues aren’t so deep. Maybe you’ve just made a few bad decisions and need help unravelling them. Or, external factors are affecting your business and you’d like space to think these through.
Coaching can be most helpful when you’re in a place to move forwards. Yes, there can be deep work with coaching, and it can produce amazing mindset shifts. However, it’s not so focused on your mental health.
Overwhelm in business
Overwhelm is an interesting problem, as it can be helped with both therapy and coaching, as can many other issues. Coaching can help you learn new approaches to organisation and time management. It can also help you get comfortable with delegation. In turn, therapy can help with deeper problems such as why are you needing to take on so much? Are you trying to prove something to others? Or even yourself?
As you can see, it’s not always cut and dried, but I can certainly give you an idea of how we would work on an initial chat. You can book yours here.
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