Therapist For Visibility In Business

therapist for visibility in business

Therapist For Visibility In Business

My move from PR to Therapist For Visibility in Business


Before becoming a therapist for visibility for business owners, I ran my own PR and marketing company, Do Your Own PR. After more than a decade of Do Your Own PR, including writing and selling multiple courses and books, it was time for something new. I had always been intrigued by the differences in the uptake of my Do Your Own PR programme. Most of my clients adopted the tools and made an impact with them. Another 25% really went for it and catapulted their business success into a whole new level. Then again, about 10% didn’t really get to grips with it. Some didn’t even open up the course after buying it. I wanted to find out what was going on.

What holds business owners back

There were the usual culprits – being too busy to put the steps into practice, getting stuck in the details, waiting for the website or product to be perfect. Underneath, for many, I realised that there was a nervousness, a wariness around deliberately raising your profile. And I agree, it can be a vulnerable place to put yourself. I wondered h0w I could help my clients get past this.

The move into Psychology

It was also at this time I started enjoying the heady heights of online dating (bear with me, this is relevant!). One of my dates was with an occupational psychologist who was retraining. I remember wistfully telling him that there was a side of me who had always wanted to go into psychology. His response was to shrug and ask “why not do it?” I started mumbling about kids, running a business etc. However, that evening I went online and by the following week I had signed up for a Business Psychology MSc at UEL – dating can literally change your life!

I won’t lie, doing a Masters was hard. I chose to do it over two years, part time, thankfully, as I was still working and a single mum to three kids. Yes, they were teenagers, but they still needed me there. The Masters brought me some understanding of how to help people with issues around being visible. I already knew the mechanics, I needed the missing bits underneath. But it didn’t stop there. I went onto qualify as a coach and psychotherapist. Yes, that was eight years of my life studying, and I don’t even want to think how much money.

Therapist for visibility 

However, it has allowed me to shift my focus from not just what to do to raise your profile, but how to deal with the blocks that get in the way. For some it was a critical voice in their ear, for others a past trauma that made them nervous about drawing attention to themselves. A deep seated drive for perfectionism held some back, while others found it hard to let go of feeling that they just weren’t good enough. The style of therapeutic coaching I use can help you move forwards and change your patterns of behaviour. Meanwhile, I help you hone in on PR and marketing activities that you can sustainably build into your routine…and that’s the key, sustainable.

Perhaps getting noticed is key to your business, whether you are a solo practitioner who needs to get out there, or a business owner ready to be the face of your organisation? And yet, it’s something you wish you were more comfortable with? Take a look at my Visibility Programme to see if this is something that might help.

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