Workplace Workshops – mental health and productivity


workplace workshops

We have created a number of workplace workshops that help bond teams, boost mental health, and increase productivity. There are workshops that can help with issues like being more visible, or decision-making, as well as those that offer psychological insights into participants and those around them.


Please browse our selection of workshops, and book a call to chat through options, including your own bespoke workshop, or a regular workshop slot. All workshops can be delivered online or in person, and can be tailored to one hour or half a day slots.


7 Habits for Good Mental Health


Goal addressed: boosting and protecting your mental health


A look at 7 habits which, done regularly, will help boost and protect your mental health. How to build a habit and the best ays to integrate the new habit into your personal and business life. Plus,a. look at what you can do as a team to help each other.

Self-discipline, habits and rituals



Goal addressed: Becoming more productive, mental health.



We all rely on self-discipline, habits and rituals to get things done, but how often do you think about which one serves you best? This workshop concentrates on looking at the differences between the three. It helps people think about their own rituals, self-discipline and habits. What works for them and what doesn’t.


We’ll look at real life examples of all three, from a positive psychology perspective, not only getting stuff done, but also promoting good mental health and resilience.





  • How to increase your self-discipline

  • Why relying on self-discipline alone can be a trap

  • The two main mindsets in life and what you can do if you find yourself stuck in the wrong one

  • The intrinsic parts of a habit and how you can break your own habits – or create new ones

  • Why we need rituals in our lives

  • How to raise habits into rituals to change our state of mind


Coming out of Your Comfort Zone


Goal addressed: Personal development, leadership, visibility



Many personal development books and gurus insist on us moving out of our comfort zones. How do we do this without getting spooked when we come up with challenges that floor us? This workshop looks at ways we can move out of our comfort zone in a controlled, strategic manner. We will uncover what and who can support us, and set up a framework to help us keep up the momentum.



Building Your Visibility



Goal addressed: visibility within an industry and organisation


With much of our working life spent working remotely, being visible is more important than ever. Sometimes, simply doing a job well isn’t enough. We have to be seen to be doing it to be an ambassador for your organisation, to have “a profile”. Some people love this opportunity to step into the spotlight, but for others, it can feel like a step too far.


Many are also struggling with making themselves heard over Zoom – the whole issue of speaking up in a meeting has become even more acute now we are online.


There are times when being more visible can open up opportunities, allow you to be taken more seriously, and create connections that will benefit you in your life and career.


This workshop will help participants:


  • Conduct a reputation audit

  • Become more comfortable sharing and speaking up on Zoom

  • Understand what they can do to raise their profile without coming over as a show–off

  • Investigate their blocks to stepping into the spotlight

  • Find ways to raise their reputation that feel comfortable and authentic for them

  • Discover your own Visibility archetype and what that means for you

  • Create a reputation plan


How to Use Your Communication Archetype to Build Your Network



Goal addressed: leadership, team working, personal development

Did you know that we all have a communication archetype? This workshop will help you discover your communication archetype and use it to build a network that will sustain you throughout your career. You’ll learn your best way to make connections on and offline, how to nurture those relationships, and how you can act as an ambassador for your organisation.


Make Decision-Making Easier


Goal addressed: productivity, team working; leadership.



Decision-making is something that can put the strongest of us into a dither.



In today’s fast paced world, we have so many small decisions to make, right down to what type of coffee we want. It’s no wonder we have little energy or thinking space left for the big, important decisions.



It’s also easy to fall into the trap of always approaching our decision making in the same way when there could be far better ways to tackle whatever you’re dealing with.



Business Psychologist Paula Gardner has created this workshop to:


  • Help you uncover your own decision-making style

  • Show you some powerful decision-making techniques that you can apply to career, business and personal life

  • Get out of the “washing machine” of should I, shouldn’t I?” thinking

  • Get you thinking about making decisions in different ways

  • Understand others’ decision-making styles for better relationships and team dynamics

  • Learn about Risk Typing and how that defines how you unconsciously makes decisions

  • Take the opportunity to practise your learning on any real-life decisions with which you may be struggling.


Don’t Panic: How to Get Through Redundancy and Out The Other Side


Goal addressed: supporting those going through redundancy


This workshop has been created to help those going through redundancy. This one-hour session will help someone deal with the emotional shock of redundancy, step back and plan what comes next. It takes participants through:


  • What to expect – the emotional baggage that comes with redundancy

  • How to step back and objectively assess your needs, wants and next actions

  • The two main post-redundancy strategies – which one is for you?

  • How to deal with the impact of redundancy in other areas of your life


The Scarlet Thinking staff support programme


12 seminars delivered over 12 months, with recordings, branded slides and workbook for participants. To discuss prices, please call Paula Gardner book a call here.


About Scarlet Thinking


Scarlet Thinking was founded by ex PR company owner and now business psychologist, therapist and coach, Paula Gardner. It uses cutting edge research and positive psychology to help people address common issues at work.