Scarlet Thinking are experts in personality testing. Companies use us to recruit the best fit for their organisations and teams. Job-hunters use us to get themselves in the best position for dream job. Leaders use us to hone their skills and become better leaders. Entrepreneurs use us to help them understand which behaviours may be holding them back, and what they can do about it.
Psychometric tests can offer us a wealth of information about our own or other’s personalities and behaviours. They can tell us if a new recruit is likely to work well with a particular manager; if someone is a completer finisher, or whether our ingrained approach to risk is prompting us to make rash decisions, or even hold us back.
Personality testing can be fun, and reading the results is enlightening. However, the most important step is having someone to help you decipher what they mean for you or the organisation. This is where I come in.
As a past PR and agency owner I bring a real-life knowledge of business to my work, as well as my many years’ experience as a coach and mentor. This means that I take the results and help you use them for what you need, whether that’s to give you the edge in business, get that job, or work out how to develop your staff.
Our favourite tests are Saville Wave, The Risk Compass, and DISC.
Contact me to discuss here.