Mental health in PR: therapy, coaching and training


Therapist offering therapy and mental health in PR servicesI am a therapist, business psychologist and ex PR company owner providing therapy, coaching and training for the PR industry. From the very moment I discovered PR, I loved it. I found it exciting, creative and hugely rewarding. It brought together people skills, writing ability and out of the box thinking. However, PR is also a very demanding occupation, especially today. We are at the beck and behest of clients. Those same clients can change their minds, cut budgets and sometimes even panic. We have to manage those relationships alongside writing in different voices, keeping up with our area or industry of expertise, and perhaps selling ourselves and our agencies to new clients. On top of all of this, we must be continuously plugged in at a time when every mental health expert is telling us to step away from our phones and social media for our emotional wellbeing.


It’s no wonder that at times we can lose our ability to focus, stay emotionally grounded  and remain creative. Mental health issues are high within the PR industry. I commonly see PR practitioners and PR company owners with symptoms of burnout, overwhelm, anxiety and depression,  And that doesn’t look like it’s going to change anytime soon.


PR turned therapist


My background within PR allows me to bring another layer to my work as a therapist and mental health trainer within PR. After working within music PR I set up my own PR company and then went on to consult for businesses looking to learn how to do their own PR. I have written two PR textbooks for businesses, and now coach and mentor PR apprentices as a PR coach with the PRCA. I offer:


  • Pay as you go EAP therapy services to PR companies

  • Therapy for PR company owners and individuals working within PR

  • Executive coaching to the PR industry

  • Online and in person training around burnout, overwhelm, anxiety and depression

  • Online and in person training around personality types and communication to improve teams and help understand audience


Why work with me?


Stress and burnout can be particularly problematic for a PR company. Those in PR have a high level of transferable skills which means it’s easy to move onto another job or even career. Addressing mental health before it becomes an issue reduces the likelihood of this happening, as well as improving team morale and reducing sick days.


How can you work with me?


Do you have staff member you would like to have therapy or coaching (or yourself)? Or would you like to discuss the online or in person training I can offer to your PR company?  The best way to go forward is to book in a chat here, or send me an email with what’s going on for you and your company, and I’ll be in touch.